Underlinethe correct verd form 1 A: Why don't you stop wasting/to…

kattrin 07 сентября 2023

Underlinethe correct verd form 1 A: Why don't you stop wasting/to waste you time and get on with your work? B: Because I can't stand doing/do chores around the house! 2 A: I've beeng working all morning, and I've stopped to take/taking a break. Do you want to have some coffee with me? B: I'd love keeping/to keep tou company, but I have to leave. 3 A: I'm so sleepy! i can hardly staying/stay awake! B: you should try to go/going to bed earlier. 4 A: let me to help/help you hang out the washing. B: thanks, i promise helping/to help you with your chores, too! 5 A: are you still thinking about buying/to buy a new dishwasher? B: no, i've decided calling/to call someone to fix the one i have. Реально срочно надо помогите плз (

категория: английский язык


1. Wasting, doing2. To take, to keep3. stay awake, going to bed4. help, to help5. buying, to call

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