Use either the Past Simple tense or the Past Continuous Tense…

altek 08 сентября 2023

Use either the Past Simple tense or the Past Continuous Tense in the following sentences as appropriate.1.Bob… (eat) dinner when his friend called.2.While Julia was cleaning the flat, Roy… (sleep).3.At 5 o clock in the morning Rose Mary… (study).4.When Betsy arrieved, the Smiths… (have) dinner, but they… (stop) in order to talk to her.5.John… (go) to Spain last year.6.When the teacher… (enter) the room, the pupils were talking.7.While Nora was writing the report, Henry… (look) for more information.8.We… (watch) the film last night.9.At one time Mr.Green… (own) this building.10.Dick… (write) a letter to his family when his pencil… (break) Очеень нужно) Поомогите пож)

категория: английский язык


1) was eating2) was sleeping3) studied4) were having, stopped5) went6) entered7) was looking8) watched9) owned10) was writing, broke

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