. Use the right form of the adjective:…

dimons02 28 октября 2023

. Use the right form of the adjective: 1. If you want to find your way around the city (easy) , you should buy the map of it. 2. I'm getting (fat). 3. We are going (slow). 4. The (soon) you start, (quick) you'll finish. 5. This camera costs (twice more than / twice as much as) the other one. 6. Sam's (half less… than) CDs now half as many… as. I had last year.

категория: английский язык


1. If you want to find your way around the city easier, you should buy the map of it. 2. I'm getting fatter.3. We are going slower.4.The sooner you start, quicker you'll finish.5. This camera costs twice more than the other one.

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28 октября 2023

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