В Fill in the gaps in the conversation with your own phrases

agrail 02 ноября 2023

В Fill in the gaps in the conversation with your own phrases. You can also use phrases from the Conversation bricks. Girl: Mom, I'd like to talkto you about the party tomorrow.

категория: английский язык


Girl: MUm, I'd like to talk to you about the party tomorrow.Mom: I think we've already discussed that and the answer is "No".Girl: Well, that's your opinion, but I think I can make you change your mind! Just hear me out, please.Mom: What makes you think that you deserve to go? Girl: I promise to load the dishwasher, clean my room and I'll even wash your car on Sunday.Mom: Well, that's all very nice, but I've already told you that you can't go this week. If you behave yourself, I'll let you go next time.Girl: What? No. That's not fair. Mum, please. I'm almost 18, you cant treat me this way. All my friends are going. Mom: Well, I really don't know. Go and ask your father then.Girl: Fine, I'll ask Dad when he gets back. Just to let you know, I hate you! And I don't know why you have to be soo strict! Mom: … You'll understand when you're older.

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