В Fill in the gaps. Use somebody; anybody, anywhere, nothing…

sereginoff 09 ноября 2023

В Fill in the gaps. Use somebody; anybody, anywhere, nothing, anything, somewhere. 1. Where does he live? — I think he lives … near the supermarket.2. It's dark. I can't see … .3. Do we have … in the fridge? — Yes, a few things.4. Do you know … from America? 5. Do you know… about Shakespeare? 6. Don't ask her. She knows … about it.7. Sssh! I can't hear … .8… . is coming! — Who is it? 9. Do you see my keys …? — No, I can't find them.

категория: английский язык


1 somewhere2 anything3 anything4 anybody5 anything6 nothing7 anything8 somebody9 anywhere

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