V. Read the story and choose the right form of the verbs:…

orenb2012 26 октября 2023

V. Read the story and choose the right form of the verbs: 1. I (have been / was) to so many interesting places in Britain! 2. The Tower of London, forexample. They (build / built) it 900 years ago. 3. Look at the picture. My father (is taking / takes) part in the famous marathon in London. 4. It is not my first trip to Britain. I (visited / will visit) London and Edinburg two years ago. 5. My parents and I (came / come) to see the festival in Edinburg. They (do / will do) it nearly every year. 6. We (stayed / stay) in London only for five days. But we (are / were) going to Britain for a longer trip next summer. 7. My brother (has gone / went) to Britain last year. He (studies / is studying) biology at the University of Oxford. 8. My parents and I (visit / visited) him last year. I (have liked / liked) Oxford very much.

категория: английский язык


1. I (have been / was) to so many interesting places in Britain! 2. The Tower of London, for example. They (build / built) it 900 years ago.3. Look at the picture. My father (is taking / takes) part in the famous marathon in London.4. It is not my first trip to Britain. I (visited / will visit) London and Edinburg two years ago.5. My parents and I (came / come) to see the festival in Edinburg. They (do / will do) it nearly every year.6. We (stayed / stay) in London only for five days. But we (are / were) going to Britain for a longer trip next summer.7. My brother (has gone / went) to Britain last year. He (studies / is studying) biology at the University of Oxford.8. My parents and I (visit / visited) him last year. I (have liked / liked) Oxford very much.

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