Вот задание: complete these sentences with a question…

chinazila 12 октября 2023

Вот задание: complete these sentences with a question tag. 1) The milk isn ih the glass, 2) There is some milk in the glass, 3) Mrs Brown,s son had a flatin London, 4) There is no garden behind their house, 5) You keep your thinds in this box, 6) You like your new flat, 7) You don,t like meat, 8) You never eat sweets, 9) He,s translating a text, 10) He,s translated the text,

категория: английский язык


1) The milk is in the glass,isn*t it? 2) There is some milk in the glass, isn*t there? 3) Mrs Brown*s son had a flat in London, didn*t he? (hadn*t he) 4) There is no garden behind their house, is there? 5) You keep your things in this box, don*t you? 6) You like your new flat, don*t you? 7) You don*t like meat, do you? 8) You never eat sweets, don*t you? 9) He*s translating a text, isn*t he? 10) He*s translated the text, hasn*t he?

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