Всем привет! Задание…

xcarxx 04 августа 2024

Всем привет! Задание, напишите мини-сочинение по английски на тему как приготовить торт (не подробно). Пожалуйста срочно. Спасиб)

категория: английский язык


With a grinder or blender grind the almonds in a small crumb. Растапливаем chocolate3. Melt the chocolate in a small tank in a water bath and let it has cooled slightly.Separate the whites from yolks4. Separate the whites from yolks and put the whites in the refrigerator.Beat the butter with the sugar, led by yolks5. The softened butter cream with the sugar with the help of a mixer. Do not stop shaking up, type in the received mix the egg yolks one by one.Combine the flour, cocoa and almonds6. In a separate bowl mix the sifted flour, cocoa powder and ground almonds.Combine the dry окмпоненты with oil mixture and chocolate7. In the whipped with egg yolks oil gradually add the dry ingredients and then add back the same way melted chocolate.Beat the whites8. Separately beat chilled proteins and gently small portions add them to the main mix. Обкладываем form parchment paper9. Grease butter or margarine round the form for the cake and выстелите her parchment. Circle of parchment place at the bottom of the form and separately pull the sides of the form.Pour the batter into the form10. In the prepared pan, pour the dough for a chocolate cake "Sacher" and bake for about an hour. Then, check the readiness with wooden toothpicks. If it is dry — the dough is ready.11. After removing from the oven and let the dough stand for about 10 minutes, Then you need to remove the cake from the pan and put cool on wire rack. He should cool down completely.Prepare glaze12. Until the dough cool — prepare the glaze. On a water bath melt the two bars of chocolate. Pour in the cream and stir until homogeneous mass.13. Cold Korzh cut in half. Each part of the promazhte apricot jam. You can use apricot confiture, and even marmalade. Carefully put the two halves together.14. Promazhte cake on the sides, cover with icing on the top and, if necessary, flatten with a knife.15. Beat at low speed cream with sugar and decorate their cake "Sacher".The recipe of the cake "Sacher"We hope, our detailed recipe cake "Sacher" will help you to make a small culinary journey in the romantic city of Vienna.A pleasant appetite!

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