Вставить необходимые артикли (a, the) в место пропусков

spearex 04 ноября 2023

Вставить необходимые артикли (a, the) в место пропусков. 1) Svyatoslav Fedorov was __ wonderful eye doctor, he treated__ serious eye diseases. 2) YuriBashmet is__ famous musician. His concerts take place in__ dest concert halls. 3) Sergei korolev was __ great engeener and ___ sientist. His ideas are still very important for__ spake engineers. 4) Ilia Repin was __ great Russian painter. You can see his best works at the Tretyakov Gallery. 5) Georgy Greckko is __ cosmonaut!; He has flown to ___ space three times. 6) Ulyana Lopatkina is__ a famous ballet dancer; she dances at the Mariinsky Theatre is St Petersburg. 7) Peter __ Great became ___ Tsar when he was __ young boy. 10) Fade Bellinghausen and Mikhail Lazarev were___ explosers; they discovered Antarctica in 1820.

категория: английский язык


1. a, a.2. a, the3. a, -, the4. a6. a, the7. a7. the, -, a.8. -

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