Вставить пропущенные слова; They have got …

denisni 22 ноября 2023

Вставить пропущенные слова; They have got … tea — 1) a 2) some 3) many … you want some bread? -1) does2) do3) are In Italy pasta… very popular-1) is2) are3) amMost British people… fish and chips-1) likes 2) like3) liking Vegatables… good for your health-1) are2) is3) am In Ireland children… potatoes and milk for dinner-1) eating2) eats3) eat Some kind of food give… strength to work and play-1) childrens2) children3) childs We… drink tea in the morning.-1) often2) now3) tomorrow.

категория: английский язык


They have got some tea.Do you want some bread? In Italy pasta is very popular.Most British people like fish and chips.Vegetables are good for your health.In Ireland children eat potatoes and milk for dinner.Some kind of food give children strength to work and play.We often drink tea in the morning.

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