Вставьте ныжные по смыслу вспомогательные глаголы, предлоги, артикли

vrska 31 октября 2023

Вставьте ныжные по смыслу вспомогательные глаголы, предлоги, артикли. 1) We__five in the family. 2) They__both pupils. 3) Lucy isin__fifth and Boris is__pupil in__ninth form. 4) Our family__very united. 5) I always did well__school, learned__great interest. 6) __May I finished school №60__Moscow. 7) As__scholl-girl I also took an active part in social life, did sports and optional circles. 8) My favorite subjects at school__maths and physics came easy to me. 9) I was__the top of the list__our class in these subjects, but they were not as interesting to me as English. 10) I can only add that I'm fond__reading history books and I'm keen__sports. 11) My hobby__collecting badges. 12) My ambition__to become a good expert in languages. 13) Now I'm an applicant for entry__the Teacher's Training Academy. 14) I'll try to enter__Academy again. 15) You see, my life story__ not long.

категория: английский язык


are, are, the,a, the, is, at, with,in, in, a, are, in, of, of, in, is, is, of, to, is

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