Вставьте слова. Many people today want ____ from it all and adventure…

s_s0k0l0v 14 сентября 2023

Вставьте слова. Many people today want ____ from it all and adventure Вставьте слова. Many people today want ____ from it all and adventure in asnear to natural conditions as possible. This is where sport and tourism _____ an ideal combination for those who like ____ life to the full. The landscape around Almaty is so diverse that you can ____ mountain expeditions, horse riding, hiking, drive through the desert, canoeing and helicopter trips.

категория: английский язык


Many people today want TO GET AWAY from it all and adventure in as near to natural conditions as posslible. This is where sport and tourism TAKE IN an ideal combination for those who like TO LIVE life to the full. the landscape around Almaty is so diverse that you can meet mountain expeditions, horse riding,hikung…

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