Выпишите те слова в которых буква e не произносится!

la5er 18 ноября 2023

Выпишите те слова в которых буква e не произносится! brave, case, cycle, late, gate, cent, flake, flame,cancel, fame,

категория: английский язык



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18 ноября 2023
Ex.2. Put the verb in brackets in the Present Perfect or Past Simple tense 1. Have you heard the rules? They _______________ (just/elect) a new manager.2. Martha _______________ (find) a new job. She is starting next week. 3. When ______________Simon _______________ (arrive) at the cinema yesterday? 4. John is a well-known artist. He ______________ (paint) a lot of pictures. 5. John ________________ (paint) his first picture in 1980. 6. Mike _______________ (win) more than 20 medals when he was a sportsman. 7. I ________________ (see) Sting last year. 8. I ______________ (speak) to Celine Dion. 9. I _______________ (write) 5 letters this week. 10. I ______________ (read) this book a month ago. 11. He _______________ (still/not/buy) a computer. 12. They ________________ (yet/not/find) the way out. 13. _______________you ______________ (write) this translation yet? Ex. 3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous 1. What ____________you ______________ (look) at? –Some photos I __________ (take) when I _____________ (be) on holidays. 2. I _______________ (be) sorry, but I ______________ (not understand) what you _____________ (mean). 3. What ___________Jane_____________ (do)? – She ______________ (be) a teacher, but she ______________ (not teach) at the moment. 4. He never _____________ (smoke) and ___________usually __________ (not eat) meat. 5. Last time I _____________ (go) abroad was when I ______________ (go) to London. We _____________ (stay) in London for three days. On the first day when I ______________ (do) the sights, I _____________ (meet) my old friend. He ___________just______________ (go) to his hotel when we ___________ (come) across. 6. ___________you ____________ (often, go) to the gym? – I _______________ (not go) much at the moment, I ____________ (not have) time. I ____________ (be) too busy these days. But I ___________ (want) to go to the gym next week. 7. Tomorrow Kate _____________ (visit) her aunt, that’s why now she _____________ (make) a cake. It _____________ (smell) delicious! When Kate ____________ (visit) her aunt last week, she _______________ (buy) some pastries from the baker’s, but they _____________ (not be) that good.

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