We get along Ok, my dad and I, We're interested in music, cars…

artuu 14 сентября 2023

We get along Ok, my dad and I, We're interested in music, cars, sports, all sorts of stuff.We're both really (2) reggae, urban music and a bit of house and garage, There isn't (3) wide generation gap in our tastes, I've always listened (4) his old stuff — I play his Bob Marley.He likes to play (5) guitar all night — until my bed starts shaking when I'm trying to sleep. I get him back by putting my music on that he hates: Drum'N'bass. WE go to the Festival of Speed at Goodwood every yeah and (6) pictures of cars all day. Last yeah we wen karting in Tenerife, My dad (7) , through he cheated. Yesterday we were (8) all day long. Today wasn't good. I was moody and my dad and uncle kept trying to cheer me up. That was annoying but I didn't say anything to (9) any conflict. I'll try to work (10) this problem tomorrow. 2. In\at\with3. the\ an \ a4. to \ with \ for 5 the \a 6.make \ have \ take7 won \ wins \ has won.8. laughed \ laugh \ laughing 9. treat \ avoid \ offend10 through \ to \ on

категория: английский язык


We get along Ok, my dad and I, We're interested in music, cars, sports, all sorts of stuff.We're both really at (не уверена) reggae, urban music and a bit of house and garage, There isn't a wide generation gap in our tastes, I've always listened to his old stuff — I play his Bob Marley.He likes to play the guitar all night — until my bed starts shaking when I'm trying to sleep. I get him back by putting my music on that he hates: Drum'N'bass. WE go to the Festival of Speed at Goodwood every year and take pictures of cars all day. Last yeah we wen karting in Tenerife, My dad won, through he cheated. Yesterday we were laughed all day long. Today wasn't good. I was moody and my dad and uncle kept trying to cheer me up. That was annoying but I didn't say anything to avoid any conflict. I'll try to work on this problem tomorrow.

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