What did the people do yesterday (last week 3 days ago…)?

tosss 14 сентября 2023

What did the people do yesterday (last week 3 days ago…)? 1) He has coffe for breakfast/2) My cousin is late for school.3) they do not come to school at 11 in the morning/4) The lessons begin at 8,30,5) My mother usually brings interesting books to read.6) He wears warm clothes in winter.

категория: английский язык


1) He had coffee for breakfast yesterday2) My cousin was late for school last Monday.3) They did not come to school at 11 in the morning two days ago4) The lessons began at 8,30 last Friday.5) My mother brought interesting books to read the day before yesterday.6) He wore warm clothes last winter.

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14 сентября 2023

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