What do the new words mean?

sergeimedich 25 сентября 2023

What do the new words mean? Решите пожалйсто) на завтра надо. Добрые люди решитееA) 1. The job was uneasy and we finished it only late in the evening. 2. The house was old and unclean. I didn't like it. 3. Why are you unhappy today? 4. If you are unwell, go to see your doctor. 5. The children were uninterested in their mother's story. 6. The meeting was unofficial but a lot of people came it. 7. Jane wanted to go to university but was unsuccessful. 8. The day was unpleasant — wet and cold.

категория: английский язык


Я как поняла, их заменить надо.1. The job was heavy and we finished it only late in the evening2. The house was old and dirty. I didn't like it… 3. Why are you sad today? 4. If you are sick, go to see your doctor.5. The children were indifferently in their mother's story.6. The meeting was familiar but a lot of people came it.7. Jane wanted to go to university but was thriveless.8. The day was bad- wet and cold.

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