What (happen) to you since she (leave)?

alex3x 27 октября 2023

What (happen) to you since she (leave)? I (think) ypur daughter (become) a real beauty since I (see) her last. What you (do) with the knife? The pointis broken off. For these last three years I (save) hearly every penny for my trip to that country. Well, dear, what you (do) all day long? You (look) tired. Come and sit hereby the fire. Hello, he (say) holding out his hand, I (look) for you for a long time. I never (have) the chance to thank you for what you (do) for my brother. You se, I (do) this kind of thing for the last thirty years. I (think) of it ever since Molly (tell) me about your decision to go to sea. You (live here ever since you (leave) Canada? Do come in and joing us. We (have) coffee and (watch) TV.

категория: английский язык


What has happened to you since she left? I think your daughter has become a real beauty since I saw her last. What have you done with theknife? The point is broken off. For these last three years I have been saving nearly every penny for my trip to that country. Well, dear, what have you been doingall day long? You look tired. Come and sit nearby the fire. 'Hello', he said holding out his hand, 'I have been looking for you for a long time. I have never had the chance to thank you for what you have done for my brother. You see,I have been doing this kind of thing for the last thirty years. I have been thinking of itever since Molly told me about your decision to go to sea. Have you lived/ Have you been living here ever since you left Canada? Do come in and join us. We are havingcoffee and watching TV.

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