Which 3 of these sentences contain a lexical mistake: 1) I wanted…

dyshess 17 ноября 2023

Which 3 of these sentences contain a lexical mistake: 1) I wanted to raise the lid of the box, but my mother wouldn't let me do it 2) I don't know how thegovernment is going to justify the expanse of the project 3) This ointment will help to heel your wound 4) I've lost my gloves. Have you got a spare couple? 5) Bess comes either from Los Angeles or San Francisco, I can't remember which 6) Did your parents teach you how to behave in this sort of situation?

категория: английский язык


2) I don't know how the government is going to justify the EXPENSE (затраты/стоимость) of the project.3) This ointment will help to HEAL (вылечить) your wound4) I've lost my gloves. Have you got a spare PAIR ("пара"- о парных предметах)?

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