Work in pairs. Read, complete and act out the dialogue

maker 04 ноября 2023

Work in pairs. Read, complete and act out the dialogue.Use the words: much, many, any, some.Dan: How ________ cheese is there? Ann: There isn’t ___ left.Dan: We need _______ cheese then. What about eggs? How ____________ eggs have we got? Ten eggs.Ann: So, we don’t need _________ .Dan: OK. How _____ bread have we got? Ann: We haven’t got bread and flour left.Dan: How bread do we need? Ann: One loaf.Dan: And how _________ flour? Ann: One kilo, I think.

категория: английский язык


how much cheese any leftsome cheesemany eggsmany much breadhow much flour

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04 ноября 2023
помогите перевести текст, срочно нужно Eddinburgh: A Colourful CityEdinburgh is the capital of Scotland and the twin city of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. Four hundred and fifty thousand people live there. In fact, the city is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Europe. It is one of the most desirable places in theworld to live and study, with a wide range ot theatres, galleries to visit, clubs and shops to exercise your wallet. Although the sky is often grey, Edinburgh itself isa colourful city — it mixes modern and medieval, the traditional and the new. With its stunning Georgian and Victorian architecture, and winding medieval streets, it's easy to see why Edinburgh has been listed as a World Heritage Site. This is a city that knows how to be both ancient and modern.When you arrive, the first thing you see is Edinburgh Castle, on a hill, high above the city. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the hills in Edinburgh were volcanoes. Today, the volcanoes are quiet. Edinburgh Castle is Scotland's most visited attraction. Over one million people visit the castle every year. Part of it is a thousand years old. Edinburgh Castle is not the only castle in Edinburgh. In fact there are many old castles and old houses. There's also a plenty of open space, with a large number of public parks and green places right in the busy city centre.It's not surprising that the old city has hundreds of ghosts. Some of them are famous. One is the ghost of George Mackenzie. People often feel cold and hear strange noises near his grave. Mackenzie was King Charles ll's lawyer, in the seventh century. He wasn't a good man. He killed a lot of people. People think his unhappy ghost walks in the graveyard of Greyfriars' Church.Edinburgh is a great place for a party. It's famous for its international festivals and unusual local culture. From 29 December -1 January Edinburgh has a New Year festival called Hogmanay. Four hundred thousand people from all over the world go to the party. There are fireworks, concerts, and a huge street party with dancing in the street! JThe capital is bustling with arts, sports and attractions and is famous for playing host to the world's largest arts festival. Every summer there are jazz, book, cinema festivals and, of course, the famous International and Fringe Theatre Festival. At these festivals you can see everything from circuses to ballets and from comedy shows to Shakespeare plays.

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