write an open letter to professional athletes of the world according…

mixer123 29 октября 2023

write an open letter to professional athletes of the world according to the following structure: 1. opening the letter Dear athletes oh the wold! … 2.reasons for writing the letter We are writing this letter because we are worrying that there are too many athletes in the world who use drugs… 3.appeal to the addressee Dont use drugs! … . 4.your arguments … 5.closing with a bright conclusion Lets say "No" to drugs on the Earth! .

категория: английский язык


Dear athletes of the world! We are writing this letter because we are worrying that there are too many athletes in the world who use drugs, and the rate of early deaths among cyclists is high.Don’t use drugs! If athletes didn’t use drugs sport would become more fair. If sport were not so commercialized athletes would think more of their health then of the results.Let’s say “NO” to drugs on the Earth!

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