Write if you believe it or not.The first is done…

wiggle 22 октября 2023

Write if you believe it or not.The first is done for you 1.People woWrite if you believe it or not.The first is done for you 1.People won`t have any daseases.- I don`t believe that people won`t have any diseases 2.Children won`t go to school,they will study at home.- … 3.There will be no teachers,computers will teach children.- … . 4.Children will study a special subject Space Travelling.-… 5.Robots will do all the housework.- … 6.Most people will be very athletic.- … 7.Most people will travel by bicycles.- …

категория: английский язык


2 I believe that children won`t go to school,they will study at home.3 I don`t believe that there will be no teachers,computers will teach children4 I believe that children will study a special subject Space Travelling.5. I believe that robots will do all the housework6.I believe that most people will be very athletic7 I don't believe that most people will travel by bicycles

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22 октября 2023

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