Write sentences. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous

emilhse 05 сентября 2023

Write sentences. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Example: I usually go (go) to the cinema on Saturdays but this evening I am playing (play).Monopoly with my friends. 1. Simon___ (make) a presentation about Stonehenge in his room. He ____ (like) history. He _ __ (want) to become an archaeologist (археологом). 2. Where is Betty? — She ____ (sleep). What happened to her? She usually____ (draw) or ____ (watch) TV in the afternoon.— She has fallen ill. 3. Angela often ______ (help) her mother in the kitchen. But today she____ (sit) in her room and _ _____ (browse) the Internet. She_____ (need) some information for her report. 4. Mr Brown____ (walk) in the park every morning, but it is cold and rainy today. Mr Brown____ (hate) bad weather. That's why he_____ (stay) at home and________ (read) his newspaper.

категория: английский язык


1. made 2. prefer3. want4. is slepping 5. drew6. watching7. helps 8. sat9. browsed10.needs11. walking12. hates13. stay 14. read

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