Write the sentences differently

alirina 06 ноября 2023

Write the sentences differently. Use before, after, as soon as, in them.1) I`ll go to university when I finish school.2) I`ll stay at a hotel when I come to Sochi.3) When I`m twenty-five, I`ll have a family of my own.4) When I buy the vegetables, I`ll prepare some tasty soup.5) When autumn comes, we`ll gather mushrooms in the forest.6) When summer comes, we`ll sunbathe a lot.

категория: английский язык


1) Before I go to university I'll finish school.2) I`ll stay at a hotel as soon as I come to Sochi.3) After I`m twenty-five, I`ll have a family of my own.4) After I buy the vegetables, I`ll prepare some tasty soup.5) As soon as autumn comes, we`ll gather mushrooms in the forest.6) As soon as summer comes, we`ll sunbathe a lot.

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