Write what you did yesterday

shurila 17 октября 2023

Write what you did yesterday

категория: английский язык


First i went to the English lesson in yesterday. Then I met my friends . We were playing football and were watching TV. After my friends went to the cinema, but I didnt. I visited my parents . In the evening I and my parents went to the restaurant . Yesterday was very interesting day .

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Другие вопросы по английскому языку
17 октября 2023
Срочно! ДОПОМОЖІТЬ! 1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.1 The number of people who take part in Internet discussion forums ____ (grow) very quickly now.2 She's got a part-time job for the summer — she____ (work) as a waitress. 3 My friend Mark is in the Scouts. He ____ (often/go) camping at the weekend.4 I (never see) Hannah any more — she _____ (study) for her exams these days.5 Most of the kids in my class _____ (usually/listen) to soul and hip hop.6 (you/still/belong) to that Judo club? 7 She's not here at the moment — she ____ (visit) a friend. Can I take a message? 2 Complete the sentences with the correct alternatives.1 At the moment , I ____lots of new friends. a) are joining b) ‘s making c) ‘m making d) makes2 _____you___ the supporters club’s Internet address? a) Are… knowing b) Does… know c) Can… know d) Do… know 3 He always____ the club’s newsletter. a) writes b) is writing c) write d) doesn’t write4 The French club_____ this week. a) meetsb) aren’t meetingc) isn’t meetingd) doesn’t meet5 ____the fans ____ to the match by train today? a) Is… travelb) Are… travellingc) Do… travellingd) Is… travelling6 The club’s committee members____ a lot at the moment.a) argueb) arguesc) is arguingd) are arguing 7 This year the number of club members____ very quickly.a) is growingb) grows c) are growing d) growing8 In Britain, people _____ more money to animal charities than to children’s charities.a) are givingb) aren’t givingc) doesn’t give d) give9 _____he_____ to the Scouts? a) Is… belongingb) Does… belongc) Do… belongd) Do… belongs

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