Written composition. The importance of learning foreign languages

newnova 18 сентября 2023

Written composition. The importance of learning foreign languages.

категория: английский язык


Learning foreign languages is becoming more important nowadays. People want to see other places and communicate with foreigners. The humanity always wanted to know more about other countries. Learning foreign language was necessary for trade and politics. Later, it has become available for ordinary people to learn more about other cultures and nationalities. At the present time a lot of new ways of learning languages have been developed. People can learn almost everything at home using the Internet. But learning something new requires a lot of hard work. There is a good example of such work: Vitaly Melnikov, a Russian polyglot, knows 103 different languages and can write poems in them. Learning foreign languages won’t lose its popularity. Knowing another language will help society to solve a lot of economical and political problems.As long as people feel the need to communicate, there will be a place for foreign languages. We should keep it in mind and learn foreign languages to understand other people better.

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