Yesterday i at the party.The party its theme.It Teddy Bear Party

wolf-foxy 27 сентября 2023

Yesterday i at the party.The party its theme.It Teddy Bear Party.I it very much.My friends mother a big cake in a from of bear.We bear masks,partyhats,posters.My friends and i the room with pictures and toys.We games and each other presents.We also the songs and dances. made decorated played liked was celebrated had gave enjoyed вставте правельно слова в текст

категория: английский язык


Yesterday i was at the party.The party had its theme.It was Teddy Bear Party.I liked it very much.My friends and mother made a big cake in a from of bear.We bear masks,party hats,posters.My friends and i decorated the room with pictures and toys.We played games and gave each other presents.We also enjoyed the songs and dances.

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27 сентября 2023

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