Задание: Complete the sentences using an approprite phrase with "go"…

belka 19 ноября 2023

Задание: Complete the sentences using an approprite phrase with "go" 1Those skirts… .fashion years ago. 2Thevase… .and broke into pieces. 3"… ",my boy.Don't stop"my father used to tell me. 4She… .and nobody has even seen her since then. 5 I … tennis 6 He … the corner and saw a big apple tree 7 He just… .discribing his new car

категория: английский язык


1Those skirts. went out of fashion years ago.2The vase went down and broke into pieces.3"Go ahead/ go on ",my boy.Don't stop"my father used to tell me.4 She went away and nobody has even seen her since then.5 I go in for tennis6 He went round the corner and saw a big apple tree7 He has just gone on discribing his new car

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