Задать 10 вопросов к предложению: My mother and father like…

hamanchi 22 октября 2023

Задать 10 вопросов к предложению: My mother and father like to go to the country every summer. Помогитепожалуйста%)

категория: английский язык


1.Where my mother and father like to go in summer? 2.When my mother and father like to go to the country? 3.Who likes to go to the country every summer? 3.With whom my father likes to go to the country every summer? 4.With whom my mum likes to go to the country every summer? 5.What are my mother and father doing in every summer? 6.What my mother and father like to do in every summer? 7.Whose mother and father like to go to the country every summer? 8.Whose mother likes to go to the country every summer? 9.Whose father likes to go to the counry every summer? 10.In which season my father and mother like to go to the country?

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