Задайте вопрос к предложению используя данные слова 1) there…

paul86 17 сентября 2023

Задайте вопрос к предложению используя данные слова 1) there are three rooms in our flat are…? how many…? where… .? what… .?

категория: английский язык


1) Are there three rooms in our flat? How many rooms are there in our flat? Where are there three rooms in our flat? What are there in our flat? Are there three or four rooms in our flat? There are three rooms in our flat, aren't there? 2) Is their room light and spacious? What is light and spacious? Whose is light and spacious room? Is their room light or dark? Their room is light and spacious, isn't it? 3) Do I spend evening at home? Who spends evening at home? What do I spend at home? Where do I spend evening? Do I spend evening or morning at home? I spend evening at home, don't I.4) Does Jim get to work by car? Who gets to work by car? How does Jim get to work? Where does Jim get by car? Does Jim get to work by car or by bus? Jim gets to work by car, doesn't he?

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