Задайте вопросы, ответами на которые были бы следующие предложения…

banderlogs 18 ноября 2023

Задайте вопросы, ответами на которые были бы следующие предложения 1. Yes, they do. The bones form the skeleton of the body. 2. Yes, they did. Naturalistsdivided all animals into two classes. 3. Yes, they will. The first-year students will study the structure of the human body this year. 4. Yes, they do. The bones of the trunk include the spinal column, the ribs and the breastbone.

категория: английский язык


1. Do the bones form the skeleton of the body? 2. Did the naturalists divide all animals into two classes? 3. Will the first-year students study the structure of the human body this year? 4. Do the bones of the trunk include the spinal column, the ribs and the breastbone?

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