Закончите предложения, употребив did, was, were.1) …

vanie 16 сентября 2023

Закончите предложения, употребив did, was, were.1) … you working when I rang? No, I… not2) … you see me on television? Yes, I… 3) What … you doing when they arrived? I… .reading the paper.4) … they working hard? No, they … not5) … .she crying when you saw her? Yes, she… .6) … they speak to you when you met? No, they … .not7) Peter… .still lying in bed so he… .not hear the doorbell.8) … .the police find the man? No they… notHe… hiding in an empty building9) I… looking for some photos when you rang butI… not find them

категория: английский язык


1) Were you working when I rang? No, I was not2) Did you see me on television? Yes, I did.3) What were you doing when they arrived? I was reading the paper.4) Were they working hard? No, they were not5) Was she crying when you saw her? Yes, she was6) Were they speak to you when you met? No, they were not7) Peter was still lying in bed so he did not hear the doorbell.8) Did the police find the man? No they did notHe was hiding in an empty building9) I was looking for some photos when you rang butI was not find them

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16 сентября 2023
Измените предложения, используя Present Perfect Continuous. Например: I began to wash up an hour ago when the guests left.I've been washing up for an hour since the guests left.1. He began to learn English last year. He … 1. learning2. has3. have4. being5. been6. learnt7. English8. a year9. since10. last year2. Mrs. Dobbs moved to Bath five years ago. Mrs. Dobbs … 1. been2. five years3. being4. in Bath5. lived6. for7. since8. has9. living10. ago3.She started working at the book shop when she came to our town.She … 1. since2. have3. has4. for5. she came to our town6. been7. being8. working9. worked10. at the book shop4. He began to drive his car three months ago when he received his driving license. He … 1. been2. since3. have4. has5. he received his driving license6. for7. driving8. three months9. ago10. his car5. They went out to work in the garden after breakfast. They … 1. in the garden2. they had breakfast3. worked4. working5. being6. been7. has8. have9. for10. since6. My brother started to repair the toaster at 10 o'clock.My brother … 1. repairing2. since3. for4. has5. have6. being7. been8. 10 o'clock9. ago10. the toaster7. They began to build the school building last June. They … 1. the school building2. last June3. has4. have5. being6. building7. built8. been9. for10. since8. The students started to write their test an hour ago. The students … 1. their test2. being3. have4. has5. for6. been7. an hour8. since9. writing10. wrote9. Did you begin smoking when you were 16? …? 1. Have2. smoking3. smoked4. been5. being6. you were 167. for8. you9. when10. since

vichecvichec, 16 сентября 2023
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