Закончите предложения, вставив already (I've already…

toouristik 02 октября 2023

Закончите предложения, вставив already (I've already…) or yet (He hasn't… yet) (They haven't… yet) 1. MARK: Let's go to the new SpielmaNexibition at the Modem Art Museum. JANE: I've already seen it. It's not very good, (see)

категория: английский язык


1. MARK: Let's go to the new SpielmaN exibition at the Modem Art Museum.JANE: I've already seen it. It's not very good. (see) 2. DAVID: Don't forget to tell Mary the good news.LIZ: I have already told it and she was very happy . (tell) 3. SUE: What does John say in his letter? CHRIS: I don't know. I haven't read yet, I've been too busy, (read) 4. TIM: Did Sue's operation go well? PAT: She hasn't have yet. The hospitale were too busy. (have) 5. JOHN: I enjoyed reading that novel by Sarah Dunmore. Is it her first book? JILL: No, she has already written three, but I think this one is her best. (write) 6. PETE: Is that your father's new car? PAUL: Yes, it arrived last week but he hasn't driven yet. (drive).7. KATE: When are Tony and Chris going to sell their house? MICK: They have already sold it. They're moving to London next week. (sell)

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