Запиши вопросы. 1) Alex cleaned his room yesterday. What did…

aydoom 11 ноября 2023

Запиши вопросы. 1) Alex cleaned his room yesterday. What did… . 2) Simon will water the flowers in the evening. When will… . 3) Mag took photos of herfamily last Sungay. Did… . 4) Miss Chatter goes to the country to see her friends Why does… . 5) Jim likes sweets and bananas. Who… .

категория: английский язык


1) Alex cleaned his room yesterday.-What did Alex clean yesterday? 2) Simon will water the flowers in the evening.-When will Simon water the flowers? 3) Mag took photos of her family last Sunday.-Did Mag take photos of her family last Sunday? 4) Miss Chatter goes to the country to see her friends.-Why does Miss Chatter go to the country? 5) Jim likes sweets and bananas.-Who likes sweets and bananas?

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