1. He always … home at 7 o’clock. a) come b) comes c) is coming…

malu77 24 октября 2023

1. He always … home at 7 o’clock. a) come b) comes c) is coming 2. When … (she/see) him in the office yesterday? a) did she saw b) do she see c) didshe see 3. We … . to the party on Saturday. Would you like to come? a) going b) go c) are going 4. My English is … now than it was a year ago. a) bad b) worse c) badder 5. They … . (not/stay) at luxury hotels when they are on holidays. a) don’t stay b) doesn’t stay c) isn’t stay 6. It … . now. a) is rain b) rains c) is raining 7. He … . school when he was sixteen. a) leaves b) left c) leaved 8. Luxembourg is … country in the world. a) richer b) the most rich c) the richest 9. I … . my friends for a long time. a) didn’t see b) don’t see c) haven’t seen 10. I have known Svetlana … 2008. a) since b) for c) from

категория: английский язык


1. comes2. did she see3. are going4. worse5. don't stay6. is raining7. left8. the richest9. haven't seen10 since

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