1. He used to live in London, …?

mrcone8 02 сентября 2023

1. He used to live in London, …? 1) don^t he 2) didn^t he 3) wasn^t he 4) did he2. Put the adverb given in bracets in its proper place in the sentence. (a) He (b) has (c) seen people in his office (d). (never) 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) d3.Marriage is … to be taken seriously.1) anything 2) somebody 3) something 4) anybody4. Let^s … the job now rather than … it till tomorrow.1) to finish, to leave 2) finish, to leave 3) to finish, leave 4) finish, leave5. Complete the sentence.Helen said … 1) she won^t go to Greece next summer2) she didn^t go to Greece the next summer3) she won^t go to Greece the next summer4) she wouldn^t go to Greece the next summer6. The car was sold … $51) about 2) on 3) at 4) for7. What are you going to … this afternoon? -I^m going to … a bookcase.1) do, do 2) do, make 3) make, do 4) make, make

категория: английский язык


1. He used to live in London, …? 1) don^t he 2) didn^t he 3) wasn^t he 4) did he2. Put the adverb given in bracets in its proper place in the sentence. (a) He (b) has (c) seen people in his office (d). (never) 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) d3.Marriage is … to be taken seriously.1) anything 2) somebody 3) something 4) anybody4. Let^s … the job now rather than … it till tomorrow.1) to finish, to leave 2) finish, to leave 3) to finish, leave 4) finish, leave5. Complete the sentence.Helen said … 1) she won^t go to Greece next summer2) she didn^t go to Greece the next summer3) she won^t go to Greece the next summer4) she wouldn^t go to Greece the next summer6. The car was sold … $51) about 2) on 3) at 4) for7. What are you going to … this afternoon? -I^m going to … a bookcase.1) do, do 2) do, make 3) make, do 4) make, make

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