1.It probably _ _ _' _rain. (I don't think it will rain)…

sportive 04 октября 2023

1.It probably _ _ _' _rain. (I don't think it will rain) 2. We went _ _ _ a swim yesterday (We went swimming yesterday) 3.Planes are _ _ _ _ _ thencars (Cars are more dangerous than planes) 4. I found that film really _ _ _ _ _ _ (I was really bored when I saw that film) 5. He doesn't _ _ _ _ to stay at home. (He can go out) 6.He's the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ boy in class. (All the other boys in the class are shorter than him Пожалуйста помогите! Заранее спасибо

категория: английский язык


1) I don't think that probably it will rain.2) We went for a swim yesterday.3) Planes are more safer then then cars.4) I found that film really very boring.5) He doesn't wants to stay at home.6) He's the shortes boy in class.

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