1. Write Possessives. Example: the names of my brothers…

scorpion888 25 октября 2023

1. Write Possessives. Example: the names of my brothers — my brothers' names 1) the friends of my sisters______________________________________________________ 2) the books of his aunts ________________________________________________________3) the toys of her cousins _________________________________________________________ 4) the names of my friends _______________________________________________. 2. Guess the words. 1) your mother' s mother ___________________________________. 2) your father's brother ___________________________________. 3) your uncle's wife __________________________. 4) your grandmother's husband ___________________________. 3. Write what relatives they are. Ted is Linda's ____________; Linda is Ted's ___________________; Sam is Linda's brother._____; He is Kate's __________________; Nora is Sam's _________________; Ben is Nora and Sam's ____________________________; He is Kate's _________________________.

категория: английский язык


1My sisters friends2 his aunts books3 her cousins toys4 my friend names1my grandmother2 my uncle3 my aunt4 my grandfather

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