20 предложений на тему: 1. Способы общения. Либо 2. Мир вокруг нас

sanscorp 30 октября 2023

20 предложений на тему: 1. Способы общения. Либо 2. Мир вокруг нас.

категория: английский язык


The world around me huge. It does not work-around for the whole life. It combines in itself a diversity: the mountains and the ocean, desert and forest thickets, hot tropics and the icy tundra. The world is beautiful, but he was sweet and bitter at the same time. In it there are at the same time gentle breeze and a devastating hurricane, the babbling brook and a terrible tsunami.The most amazing thing in the world around us is life. People, animals, birds, fish, small insects and microbes, which we can't even see without a microscope. Where is the life? What is its essence? Where life then disappears? Because nothing in the world does not appear from nowhere and does not disappear in nowhere. This riddle people can not solve, though struggling with it for thousands of years.In the world all we need, even evil wolves and poisonous snakes. Wolves — the orderlies of the forests, for example. Every pebble in the world is important.Only a man of living beings is smart enough that can reason about the world. Often people are not satisfied with it and rebel against him. Many people believe that the world is unfair, because in him there is sickness, and trouble, and violence. And even in the world of survival of the fittest, and not one who deserves the best and найлюдяніший. Some people even leave the world on their own, because they are disappointed in him.I personally our world reminiscent of a long and exciting journey. The chance to live in the world — it is a gift, there is no sense to abandon it. The need to appreciate and try as best you can use.

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30 октября 2023
Лексико-грамматическое заданиеЧасть 1Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную видовременную форму.1. We are not sure if our clients (agree) _________________to such high prices next year.2. Kelly was very nervous, because she never (take) _________________examinations before.3. We came to the airport and then our luggage (check) ____________by the customs officer.4. My friend left for Australia two years ago and I (not see) _____________him since then.5. As soon as he (come) ___________________, we'll be able to speak to him.6. My uncle (ell off the ladder while he (paint) __________the ceiling.7. We wondered where he (stay) ________________________in London next time.S. They will cancel the trip if there (be) ______________thick fog.9. I am very busy at the moment. I (prepare) _______________ dinner for my children.10. Winter is usually warm here and it (not snow) often. Часть 2 Обведите правильный вариант ответа кружком.1.____________a modern kitchen and a well-equipped bath room in their flat.a) It is b) There is c) There are d) There were2. The policeman showed me several photos, but 1 didn't recognise _________a) somebody b) nobody c) anybody d) some3. How much__________ _____to fly to New York? a) costs b) it costs c) docs cost d) docs it cost4. The weather today is______ yesterday.a) worse than b) more bad thanc) worst than d) worse5. He had no money at that time, ________? a) did he b) had he c) hadn't he d) isn't it6. Our house is smaller than _____________.a) their b) theirs c) them d) your7. Your watch ________. ________five minutes slow.a) are b) have c) is d) were8. __________________late, we must hurry.a) There is b) That is c) It was d) It is9. It's a good party. Everybody _____________ it.a) is enjoying b) enjoyingc) are enjoying d) have enjoyed10. ____________ something wrong with the car.a) It is b) This is c) There is d) There be

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