My favourite gadgets. Срочно необходимо написать небольшое сочинение…

sklad4ik1 30 октября 2023

My favourite gadgets. Срочно необходимо написать небольшое сочинение по английскому о 3 х любимых и незаменимыхгаджетах… . Помогите

категория: английский язык


gadgets take a big rule in our life/ alot of people use iphone mp3 ipad… because it help us to kill the time as for me i cannot live with out mp3 / becauce i am fond of music

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Другие вопросы по английскому языку
30 октября 2023
Лексико-грамматическое заданиеЧасть 1Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную видовременную форму.1. We are not sure if our clients (agree) _________________to such high prices next year.2. Kelly was very nervous, because she never (take) _________________examinations before.3. We came to the airport and then our luggage (check) ____________by the customs officer.4. My friend left for Australia two years ago and I (not see) _____________him since then.5. As soon as he (come) ___________________, we'll be able to speak to him.6. My uncle (ell off the ladder while he (paint) __________the ceiling.7. We wondered where he (stay) ________________________in London next time.S. They will cancel the trip if there (be) ______________thick fog.9. I am very busy at the moment. I (prepare) _______________ dinner for my children.10. Winter is usually warm here and it (not snow) often. Часть 2 Обведите правильный вариант ответа кружком.1.____________a modern kitchen and a well-equipped bath room in their flat.a) It is b) There is c) There are d) There were2. The policeman showed me several photos, but 1 didn't recognise _________a) somebody b) nobody c) anybody d) some3. How much__________ _____to fly to New York? a) costs b) it costs c) docs cost d) docs it cost4. The weather today is______ yesterday.a) worse than b) more bad thanc) worst than d) worse5. He had no money at that time, ________? a) did he b) had he c) hadn't he d) isn't it6. Our house is smaller than _____________.a) their b) theirs c) them d) your7. Your watch ________. ________five minutes slow.a) are b) have c) is d) were8. __________________late, we must hurry.a) There is b) That is c) It was d) It is9. It's a good party. Everybody _____________ it.a) is enjoying b) enjoyingc) are enjoying d) have enjoyed10. ____________ something wrong with the car.a) It is b) This is c) There is d) There be

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