A Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.…

tululap 11 октября 2023

A Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. 1. If the friends (not to go) in the USA, they (not to visit) Death Valley. 2. If they (come) to DeathValley in winter, they (be able) to see more. 3. If they (go) there, they (can) die of heatstroke. 4. If Martin (take) more than a liter of water, it (help). 5. If the rangers (come) ten minutes later, they (not to be able) to save him.

категория: английский язык


1. If the friends didn't go in the USA, they wouldn't visit Death Valley.2. If they came to Death Valley in winter, they would be able to see more.3. If they went there, they would be able die of heatstroke.4. If Martin took more than a liter of water, it would help.5. If the rangers came ten minutes later, they wouldn't be able to save him.

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