After the school year for all students iswaiting a great season…

mator 07 октября 2023

After the school year for all students iswaiting a great season — summer. In summer all the children relax and recruited forces for the new school year. But for me this lastsummer vacation in school. After the last bell I'm going to pass exams and immerse themselves in the rest. As usual most of the summer I spend at my grandmother. She lives near the town in the country. There's a very beautiful nature, clean air and manylakes. But sometimes I will spend time in the city with my friends. This will be a greatsummer, because every day I will see friends and long walk. Also, I intend to visit several museums and theaters, go to several concerts. Maybe I still have a trip to the sea. In general, this summer will be as normal as everyone else. But almost at the end ofholidays for me is waiting entry into university.

категория: английский язык


lastsummer раздельно,last summer. As usual most of the summer I spend at my grandmother, нужно писать in, а не at. manylakes, тоже раздельно, many lakes. greatsummer, и это раздельно, great summer ofholidays, здесь тоже, of holidays-это праздники,holidays-каникулы. Исправь, ибо то, ибо то.

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