agree or disagree with the statements

empower 09 ноября 2023

agree or disagree with the statements. Еще к мнению можно прибавлять (fully и partially) 1 people who like classical music generally have a goodcharacter and never commit crimes. 2 if a child listens to rock music or rap, he is very likely to become aggressive and violent. 3 folk music is old-fashioned, and the younger generation don't need it. 4 different musical events? like rock festivals and pop concerts, help people from different countries understand each other better.

категория: английский язык


1 people who like classical music generally have a good character and never commit crimes. (agree) 2 if a child listens to rock music or rap, he is very likely to become aggressive and violent. (partially) 3 folk music is old-fashioned, and the younger generation don't need it. (disagree) 4 different musical events? like rock festivals and pop concerts, help people from different countries understand each other better. (agree)

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