Change the following sentences into the Active Voice…

designer 27 сентября 2023

Change the following sentences into the Active Voice 1. A great deal of property is destroyed by tornadoes every year. 2. A lot of buildings were ruined by the hurricane. 3.Several few proposals were being considered by the MPs. 4.Some new equipment has been ordered by the company.5. These papers should be signed by the company. 6. The Prime Minister should have been called this morning 7.The works of art have been examined by the experts. 8. The papers will have been received by John by tomorrow.9. Tina Turner is being interviewed on TV now. 10. Ms Greta will be called (by somebody) tonight.

категория: английский язык


1. tornadoes destroy a great deal of property every year.2. the hurricane ruined a lot of buildings.3. The MPs were considering several few proposals4. The company has ordered some new equipment5. The company should sign these papers.6 Someone should have called the Prime Minister this morning7. The experts have examined the works of art8. Jonh will have received the papers by tomorrow9. Someone is intervieweing Tina Turner on TV now10. Somebody will call Ms Greta tonight.

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