Change the sentences from reported into direct speech and translate…

alexd 21 ноября 2023

Change the sentences from reported into direct speech and translate them into Russian.Model: He says that he doesn’t like to go shopping.— He says, “I don’t like to go shopping.”

категория: английский язык


1. Mary says her friends: "Leave quickly because my mother is very angry with me".2. He says: "I don't need any fashionable clothes".3. The shop assistant says her: "You have to wear socks to try the shoes on".4. She says her friend: "Your clothes are out of fashion".5. She says: "I don't like to stand out".6. Helen says: "I am having a great time in Spain".7. He says his friends: "I don't care about fashion".8. She says: "I prefer casual clothes".

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