Задание: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct from…

semarix 23 ноября 2023

Задание: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct from, past simple or past continuous, to complete the sentences. (Поместите глаголы в скобках вправильное от, простое прошедшее или настоящее, чтобы закончить предложения.) Anne (1) … (read) a book when suddenly she (2) … (hear) a weird noise. She (3) … . (open) the window but she (4) … (not/see) anything unusual.Then a green monster (5) … (appear) in the garden.At first she (6) … (scream) in horror but then she (7) … . (realize) that it seemed familiar. She (8) … (turn) on the garden light and she (9) … . (be) surprised. The wind (10) … . (move) her green dress on the washing line up and down making her think it was a monster.

категория: английский язык


Anne was reading a book when suddenly she heard a weird noise. She opened the window but she did not see anything unusual.Then a green monster appeared in the garden.At first she screamed in horror but then she realized that it seemed familiar. She turned on the garden light and she was surprised. The wind moved her green dress on the washing line up and down making her think it was a monster.

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