Choose the pronoun: many,much, (a) little, (a) few 1. There is …

betfan 09 октября 2023

Choose the pronoun: many,much, (a) little, (a) few 1. There is … food left. We don't need to go shopping 2. We are going to talk about … things. 3.There are … sandwiches in the fridge. Do you need more? 4. They have very … petrol left. 5. We have … English books, but they are very interesting

категория: английский язык


1. There is much food left. We don't need to go shopping2. We are going to talk about a few things.3. There are a few/many sandwiches in the fridge. Do you need more? 4. They have very little petrol left.5. We have few English books, but they are very interesting

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