Choose the right tense: 1) V (Vs) 2) to be (am, is are)+Ving 3) have

cashsmile 10 сентября 2023

Choose the right tense: 1) V (Vs) 2) to be (am, is are)+Ving 3) have (has) V3 4) have (has) been+Ving1) I reading (read) a book now. I … (read) the book since morning. I … (read) 56 pages already. I like (like) reading. During this summer holidays I … (read) 15 books.2) Jack … (do) a lot today. He is a writer and he writes (write) books. He … (publish) 7 novels. Now he … (have rest) and he is very tired, because he … (work) since morning.

категория: английский язык


1) have been reading, have read, have read2) has done, has published, is having a rest, has been working

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