Complete the article below about Giorgio Armanis working…

nikolaev123 17 октября 2023

Complete the article below about Giorgio Armanis working day. Use the vtrbs from the box.works? sleeps, has, spends, stios, walks, travel, goesGiorgio Armani wakes up a7 7 a. m. He ____ to the gym and ___ an hour there. He ___ breakfast and then ___ to the office with his bodyguard. He has pasta and a salad for lunch and then he ___ for ten minutes. He ___ until 8 p.m. on design and administration. He_______ every two months-to the USA, Russia or other parts of Europe. On his way home from the office, he often _____for a drink at Nobu. At weekends, he goes to his villa.

категория: английский язык


Giorgio Armani wakes up a7 7 a. m. He goes to the gym and spends anhour there. He has breakfast and then walk to the office with hisbodyguard. He has pasta and a salad for lunch and then he sleeps for tenminutes. He works until 8 p.m. on design and administration. He travelsevery two months-to the USA, Russia or other parts of Europe. On his wayhome from the office, he often stios for a drink at Nobu. At weekends, he goes to his villa.

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