Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs

zhekka 20 ноября 2023

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. a) If I (have) more free time, I (take up) a new hobby. b) I (be) happy with my future job ifthe working conditions (be) good . c) If I (work) long hours, I (get) tired by the end of the week. d) If I (have) to deal with difficult clients , I (need) good interpersonal skills. e) If I (want) to be a lawyer , I (have) to get some qualifications first. f) I (get) a lot of work experience if I (try) some odd jobs in summer. g) I (be) well-paid if my job (be) really dangerous. h) I (be) happy if my future career (involve) creative work.

категория: английский язык


a) have,will take up.b) will be,are.C) am working,will get.D) have,will need.E) want,will have.F) will get,try.G) will be,isH) will be, involvs

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