Create questions and answer with the words in brackets

marija 03 ноября 2023

Create questions and answer with the words in brackets. (ЗАМЕНЯЯ be НА is/are/am) (What/ Tom/ be fond of?) — (he/ be fond of/ climbing/ and/ fishing) (what/I/should/do?) — (you/ should/ clean your teeth/ before going to bed) (the children/ collect the things/ now?) — (they/ put up tents) (you/ go swimming/ yesterday?) — (we/ go hiking/ for two miles) (they/ be going to/ the country/ by bike or by bas?) — (they/ go/ on foot) (what/ you/ do/ in an hour) — (we/ go/ for a walk)

категория: английский язык


What is Tom fond of? He is fond of climbing and fishingWhat should I do? You should clean your teeth before going bedAre the children collecting the things now? They are putting up tentsDid you go swimming yesterday? We went hiking for 2 milesAre they going to the country by bus or by bike? They are going on footWhat will you do in an hour? We will go for a walk

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